Sylvanian Families wolken regenboogtrein 5702 (2024)

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Ga op reis met deze Sylvanian Families wolken regenboogtrein. De trein heeft veel beweegbare onderdelen.

De Sylvanian Families wolken regenboogtrein heeft een mooie paradetrein met veel beweegbare onderdelen. De rookwolk in de schoorsteen beweegt op en neer als je de trein laat bewegen. In de wolk kan je 3 babyfiguren kwijt en ook in de trein is plek voor een baby- of kinderfiguur.


  • Ga op reis met deze Sylvanian Families wolken regenboogtrein.
  • De trein bestaat uit bewegende onderdelen en een woestijnvos baby
  • Sylvanian Families-nr. 5702

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Sylvanian Families

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Dieren, Voertuigen



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" + "

" + highlight(, currentValue) + "

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Sylvanian Families wolken regenboogtrein 5702 (2024)


Why is Sylvanian Families so expensive? ›

Sylvanian Families items from the past, especially BRAND NEW, hard to find items are already expensive to procure, then add on international postage, taxes and various fees to the price. This makes these scarce items high in price before they have even reached our store.

Why is Sylvanian Families closing? ›

Back in 2016, the collectable toy shop was voted runner-up in Time Out's Love London award. But now owners Taylor and Rose Timbertop have shared that they are looking to sell the shop as they plan to retire.

Are Sylvanian Families worth collecting? ›

And don't get us started on the dinky little dolls themselves. In January, a Sylvanian Families Japanese Doll Of The Year was sold for a massive £500 on eBay. Meanwhile, another hopeful eBay seller is currently listing a giant Sylvanian Families rabbit on eBay for an impressive £750.

Is 11 too old for Sylvanian Families? ›

Sylvanian Families is suitable for children 3 years or older, but this evergreen toy appeals to children and adults alike, from young children just making their first friends, older children about to start secondary school, right up to nostalgic adults who fondly remember the figures from their own childhoods, plus ...

What is the rarest Sylvanian family? ›

In 1989 there was 100 of this beautiful white rabbits released to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Sylvanian Families in japan. This was the first ever white rabbit family and they are one of the rarest families ever released.

What are Sylvanian Families called in USA? ›

In 1993, Tomy, who had been distributing the toys worldwide, lost the rights to the name "Sylvanian Families" in Canada and the US. Tomy reintroduced the line under the new name Calico Critters of Cloverleaf Corners, now simply just called Calico Critters.

What is the difference between calico critters and Sylvanian? ›

Calico Critters & Sylvanian Families are the same thing. Some reviews mention they aren't getting "Calico Critters" but are getting Sylvanian families instead. The critters are the same thing. Calico Critters is what they are referred to in the U.S. and Sylvanian families is what they are known as internationally.

Why do Sylvanian Families have holes? ›

They are part of manufacturing the figure. Some might be more prominent than others, but all Sylvanian Families have them underfoot. No one really knows why there are tiny pin holes but a common theory amongst collectors is that the hole is meant to keep the figure upright during the flocking process.

Can Sylvanian Families get wet? ›

For a desperate situation, soap can occasionally help as well, though again, Sylvanians are not meant to be exposed to water, as it can sometimes affect the flocking adhesive. However, for a serious stain, you could try using a very small amount of gentle dish soap diluted in water.

What is the most popular Sylvanian family? ›

What Is the Most Popular Sylvanian Family?
  • Walnut Squirrel Family. ...
  • Red Panda Family. ...
  • Silk Cat Family. ...
  • Dalmatian Family. ...
  • Hedgehog Family. ...
  • Cottontail Rabbit Family. ...
  • Beechwood Hall. ...
  • Cosy Cottage Starter Home.

Do adults collect Sylvanian Families? ›

Often adult collector's choose to display their items. Some keep them brand new, unopened, in their original box, which maintains the value of a vintage item. Others use Sylvanian sets for dioramas and photographic scenes.

Who has the largest Sylvanian family collection? ›

The largest collection of Sylvanian Families memorabilia consists of 3,489 unique items and is owned by Jacc Batch (UK), in Kettering, UK, as verified on 19 May 2017. Jack has items originating from all over the world.

Is Sylvanian Families ending? ›

She needed to move fast as the Sylvanian Families shop, selling the eponymous toy animals and their habitats, closes on 22 April after more than 30 years. Since 1992, the charming Highbury shop has been a magnet for thousands of collectors of the anthropomorphic animals – a magical grotto reminiscent of a bygone idyll.

Is 15 too old to play with dolls? ›

Dolls are a staple of childhood for a lot of us, and they are enjoyed by children of all ages. There is no one "magic age" at which all children stop playing with dolls - it varies from child to child.

Is it OK to play with dolls at 12? ›

Dr. Z : Many children continue to actively play with dolls and stuffed animals till they reach the age of 12 years old and this is not considered abnormal.

Why do people buy Sylvanian Families? ›

It is a nostalgic toy range that attracts people in different age groups. Based on three concepts, Nature, Family and Love, children can explore the power of imagination and learn to care and share with one another.

Why are calico critters so expensive? ›

10. Why are Calico Critters so expensive? It's true that Calico Critters can be a bit pricier than some other toys out there, but there are a few reasons for that. For starters, these toys are made with really high-quality materials and attention to detail.

Why do Sylvanian Families have holes in their feet? ›

This hole is part of the manufacturing process and all Sylvanian Families figures are produced with the same tiny hole underfoot. Often the 1985 sticker (referred to above) is placed over it, so only once the copyright sticker is removed you will notice the small hole.

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Author: Edwin Metz

Last Updated:

Views: 6112

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.