Guide for Solasta: Crown of the Magister - DLC Party (2024)

In the Palace of Ice campaign, you can start with new level ten characters plus some extra gear that’s weak, or import a save that completed the main campaign (recommended) or import any other save (Valley of the Lost has some really cool loot). You could import a save and change 1, 2, or 3 characters. I choose to reload a save from right before the end of a campaign, transfer all my gear off my ranger, and over to Belf. Then I created a Tiefling Warlock, as the Infernal language is likely to be useful. I reloaded the game and moved anything useful back to the Warlock, and sold the rest. The one thing you can’t do is mix and match imported heroes, which is disappointing. Imported heroes also get the weak gear on top of pre-existing gear.

Some tips:
-Pack torches
-Speak Elvish and Draconic.
-The Investigation skill is useful.
-Protection from poison, spell, racial bonus, or items are nice for some demons.
-Rangers should have favored enemy: Fiends
-You'll want restorative ointment or paladin’s cure disease power.

We will be importing or recreating Belf, but this time, he’ll be going to level 16. Make sure to prepare to create food, as we no longer have a ranger, druid, or green mage.

Level sixteen - Feat: Eager for battle

Given the types of creatures in Place of Ice, we’ll want a paladin; you can import our first one, but here’s the stats for a new one. As he’ll be smiting most of the time, he could use a shield instead of two-handed.

Race Half-Elf
Standard array: STR 16, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 8, Wis 12, Cha 16
My array: STR 19, DEX 10, CON 15, INT 8, Wis 12, Cha 18
Max array: STR 19, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 18, Wis 18, Cha 20
Gear: Longsword and Shield, 5x Javelin, Priest’s pack.
Background: Aristocrat (or artist if you don’t have a warlock) Gives History, Persuasion, and Intimidation, choose 3 languages
Half-elf Skills: Perception, Acrobatics (exchange acrobatics for intimidation if artist)

Class Skills: Athletics, Insight
Level two: Fighting style: Dueling (protection is also good)
Level three: Sacred Oath: all are good, but the Motherland gives you the best aura and ranged options.
Level four: If My Array or Max, Feat: Enduring Body, If Standard, Ability Score increase: +2 Str
Level eight: If My Array or Max, Feat: Creed of Einar , If Standard, Ability Score increase: +2 Str
Level twelve: Feat: Armor Master.
Level sixteen: If Max, Feat: Forest runner, If my Array or Standard, Ability Score increase: +2 Cha
Spend your spells on smiting, or when you can’t reach a foe, cast scorching ray or fireball. Branding Smite is nice, too. Blind creatures you think might have darkvision.

As I mentioned, I replaced a ranger with a Tiefling Warlock, using a race new to Place of ice and the class from Inner Strength. If you didn’t get Inner strength, stick with ranger.

Race: Tiefling
Standard array: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 9, Wis 12, Cha 17
My array: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 9, Wis 12, Cha 20
Max array: STR 18, DEX 18, CON 18, INT 19, Wis 18, Cha 20
Gear: Javelin to give to Paladin, 2nd Javelin to give to paladin, Component pouch (upgrade to belt, neck cloak, etc) Scholar’s pack.
Background: Either Sellsword or Artist.
The best skills from your class are (in order from best to worst) Deception, Intimidation, Arcana, History, Religion, Nature, investigation.
Patron: They’ll all good, but I like the Hive best.
Cantrips: Eldritich blast, Shadow dagger, (later) Sparkle
1st level spells: Malediction, comprehend languages
2nd level spells: Misty Step, calm emotions
3rd level spells: Counterspell, fly
4th level spells: Dimension door, Blight
5th level spells: Mind twist, Insect plague
6th level spells: True seeing,
Level two: two invocations: Agonizing blast, Eldritch spear
Level three: Pact boon: Blade (Tome if you don’t have a wizard, then take Book of ancient secrets at level 9)
Level four: Feat: Powerful Cantrip
Level five invocation: Devil’s sight
Level seven: invocation: Fiendish Vigor
Level eight: If my array or Max take Feat: Flawless concentration, If standard, take Ability Score increase +2 Cha
Level nine: invocation: Thirsting blade
Level twelve: If my array or Max take Feat: Creed of Misaye, If standard, Take Ability Score increase: +1 Dex, +1 Cha, Invocation: Lifedrinker
Level fifteen: Invocation: minions of Chaos?
Level sixteen feat: : If my array or Max take Feat: Eager for Battle, If standard, Take Feat: Creed of Misaye

Lastly, you’ll want a court mage wizard.


Race: Rock Gnome.
Standard array: STR 8, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 17, Wis 8, Cha 8
My array: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 17, INT 20, Wis 12, Cha 10 (swap Dex and Con if not sellsword)
Max array: STR 18, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 20, Wis 18, Cha 18
Gear: Dagger, Component pouch (and upgrade to belt or other focus quickly) Scholar’s pack.
Background: SellSword
Skills: Arcana, History
Cantrips: Shocking grasp, Chill Touch, Shadow Dagger, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Firebolt, Sparkle
All the same spells,
Level two: Tradition: Court Mage
Level four: Feat: Powerful Cantrip.
Level eight: Feat: Flawless concentration.
Level twelve: If Max or my array, Feat: Creed of Arun, If Standard, +1 Dex, +1 INT
Level sixteen: Feat: If Max, +2 Dex, If my array, +2 Con, If Standard, +2 INT
1st level spells: Mage armor, Shield, Identify, Detect magic, Magic missile,
2nd level spells: Misty Step, Knock, See invisibility, Magic weapon,
3rd level spells: Counterspell, fly, fireball, Tongues,
4th level spells: Conjure minor elementals, Black tentacles, dimension door, confusion, banishment, greater invisibility, identify creatures, phantasmal killer,
5th level spells: Conjure Elemental, Mind twist, Cone of cold,
6th level spells: True seeing, Chain lightning, Freezing sphere, Disintegrate
7th level spells: Arcane sword,
8th level spell: Incendiary cloud (combo with motherland paladin)

While we’re talking about character creation, You’ll want to have either a scroll of comprehend languages or tongues or a character who can cast one of those spells.Sparkle is a very useful spell for cold and dark areas.

15. DLC Campaign - Palace of Ice13. DLC Campaign - Lost Valley

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Guide for Solasta: Crown of the Magister - DLC Party (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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