22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal (2024)

Hedgehog Profile

Hedgehogs are loveable mammals known for their prickly exteriors and ball-like shape.

While these adorable creatures can be found in the wild, they are also often kept as pets. The sharp quills that cover most of their bodies require some special handling and care from owners.

22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal (1)

Hedgehog Facts Overview

Habitat:Grasslands, woodlands, forests, meadows, savannah
Location:Central Europe, Africa, Asia
Lifespan:Up to 7 years in the wild, 11 years in captivity
Size:Up to 12 inches in length
Weight:14 to 39 ounces
Color:Cream, beige, brown, black
Diet:Insects, grasses, berries, small snakes
Predators:Owls, ferrets, foxes, wolves, mongooses, badgers
Top Speed:10 kph
No. of Species:
Conservation Status:
Least concern

There are 18 species of hedgehog spread across Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. There are no hedgehogs native to the Americas, or Australia and they have been introduced into New Zealand.

They are mostly ground-dwelling and forage for insects, fruit, roots, and grasses. Crickets, millipedes, worms, and beetles are some of their favorite snacks.

Despite possessing a similar appearance, hedgehogs are not closely related to porcupines or echidnas, and have distant ancestory to shrews.

Their quills are quite different in that the barbed spines of porcupines are capable of detaching from their bodies. Furthermore, porcupines are classified as rodents while hedgehogs are not.

Interesting Hedgehog Facts

1. They were not always called hedgehogs

It is believed that the name “hedgehog” arose around the year 1450. Prior to this, they were referred to as “urchins”.

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2. Hedgehogs got their name from their snout

The name “hedgehog” was inspired by both the critter’s snout which resembles that of a pig (also referred to as a ‘hog’), and the old Middle English word ‘heyghoge’, from heyg, hegge (“hedge”) – as they are often found in hedgerows.

Interestingly, when foraging on the ground, they will make hog-like grunts and snuffles, so there is some debate whether ‘hog’ came from the noise they make rather than their appearance, too.

3. Their quills are made of keratin

Keratin is the protein that makes up our hair, skin, and nails. It is also the main building block of hedgehog quills.

The quills of a hedgehog are not barbed, or poisonous, and they can’t detach like a porcupine.

22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal (3)

4. Their quills are hollow inside

The quills of an adult hedgehog are pointed and rigid. They are also hollow on the inside, so they are not heavy to carry around.

5. Adult hedgehogs have between 5,000 – 7,000 quills

Each quill lasts for about a year, before it is replaced with another spike. 1

6. They roll into a ball in self-defense

All 18 species of hedgehog can famously roll into a ball for protection.

The ball-shape, means all spiky quills point outwards to scare away any predators and protect vulnerable areas such as the head, arms, feet and belly that don’t have quills.

7. They are nocturnal and sleep for a large part of the day

As nocturnal animals, hedgehogs are mostly active in the night-time. They can sleep for up to 18 hours per day.

8. They can hibernate

Wild hedgehogs can also hibernate during the winter, but this does depend on the species and location. Hibernating means they sleep in a burrow during winter to help preserve their state when food sources are low, or weather is extreme.

They are one of only three mammals that hibernates in the UK. 2

9. A group of hedgehogs is called an ‘array’

Hedgehogs are usually solitary, apart from when mating. However, if multiple hedgehogs happen to be found in a group, it’s known as an array.

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10. Their stellar ears and noses help them thrive as hunters

To make up for their poor eyesight, hedgehogs rely on their remarkable sense of smell and hearing to locate prey. The long-eared hedgehog, has particularly big ears!

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11. Baby hedgehogs are called ‘hoglets’

After birth, their quills will start to grow and harden.

Hoglets tend to remain under the care of their mothers for about three weeks until their spines offer adequate protection. 3

22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal (6)

12. In a single day, they can eat up to a third of their body weight in food

Hedgehogs have a hearty appetite for insects and other pests, which is why some opt for them as pets. They love to munch on snails, earthworms, and slugs.

13. Males can spend hours trying to woo a potential mate

Male hedgehogs perform coordinated dances around females in heat, who can take hours assessing the suitability of the male.

If successful, the male will mate with the female and depart shortly after. 4

14. They have an impressive set of teeth

Like humans, hedgehogs have different types of teeth, including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. They can have up to 44 teeth.

15. They are fantastic diggers

Most hedgehogs have five toes on each of their feet. Each toe is equipped with a curved claw that helps them efficiently cut through dirt. 5

16. They can walk up to 2m forgaging!

While they have little legs, they can travel up to 2 miles when foraging for food each night.

17. Sometimes, they will take over burrows left behind by other animals

In general, hedgehogs reside in burrows to protect their young and hide from predators. Burrows can extend up to 20 inches into the ground and are mainly composed of leaves and sticks.

They can create their own, but they have also been observed assuming abandoned burrows when needed.

18. They might not look like it, but they are skilled swimmers

In water, they will extend their heads above the surface and swim in a doggie paddle-like fashion.

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19. As an added layer of protection, hedgehogs “anoint” themselves

Hedgehogs are immune to a range of poisonous plants.

They will chew these plants up and combine them with their saliva to make a frothy secretion that they will then spread over their quills to deter predators.

20. In certain US states, they are banned as pets

In the United States, it is illegal to own a hedgehog as a pet in several regions, some of which include Alabama, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, and New York City.

21. There was a nationwide effort to help hedgehogs in Britain

In the past decade, the hedgehog population experienced notable declines in Britain—numbers decreased by about 30 percent.

Residents were encouraged, by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, to cut small holes in their fences to help hedgehogs move around. 6

22. Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant

Residents in the UK have historically left out milk for hedgehogs to encourage them, however milk should never be left out for them due to their intolerance. They do appreciate water, though!

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Hedgehog Fact-File Summary

Scientific Classification

Species Names:
Four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)
North African hedgehog (Atelerix algirus)
Southern African hedgehog (Atelerix frontalis)
Somali hedgehog (Atelerix sclateri)

Amur hedgehog (Erinaceus amurensis)
Southern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor)
European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus)

Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus)
Indian long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus collaris)

Daurian hedgehog (Mesechinus dauuricus)
Hugh’s hedgehog (Mesechinus hughi)
Small-toothed forest hedgehog (Mesechinus miodon)
Gaoligong forest hedgehog (Mesechinus wangi)

Desert hedgehog (Paraechinus aethiopicus)
Brandt’s hedgehog (Paraechinus hypomelas)
Indian hedgehog (Paraechinus micropus)
Bare-bellied hedgehog (Paraechinus nudiventris)

Fact Sources & References

  1. Potter, Alex. “Our prickly little friends”. BBC Earth.
  2. Hedgehog Facts”. Live Science.
  3. Hedgehog”. National Geographic Kids.
  4. Hedgehog”. African Wildlife Foundation.
  5. Hedgehog”. San Diego Zoo.
  6. Fessenden, Maris. “British People Are Building Highways for Hedgehogs Through Their Yards”. Smithsonian Magazine.
22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal (2024)


22 Spiky Hedgehog Facts - Fact Animal? ›

The spines are made up of keratin; the same material as human hair and nails. Hedgehogs shed their spines over time, with new ones growing in to replace them, just like our hair! An adult hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines on it's body. A hedgehog's spines are its main mode of defence against predators.

What are some facts about hedgehogs quills? ›

The spines are made up of keratin; the same material as human hair and nails. Hedgehogs shed their spines over time, with new ones growing in to replace them, just like our hair! An adult hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines on it's body. A hedgehog's spines are its main mode of defence against predators.

Why do hedgehogs have spikes? ›

The hedgehog's best defense against predators is its spiky outer armor. With about 3,000 to 5,000 quills covering its back, the hedgehog can protect itself from predators that think it would make a tasty snack.

Why are hedgehogs special? ›

Hedgehogs have a trick up their, errr, “sleeve” to give themselves extra protection – “self anointing.” These amazing animals are immune to certain poisonous plants, which they eat before making a frothy saliva in their mouth.

How fast do hedgehogs live? ›

Pet hedgehogs have an average life span of four to six years and weigh about a pound. Most owners will feed them a low-fat dry cat food supplemented with vegetables, mealworms, and crickets, and keep them in a large, flat-bottomed cage.

How fast can a hedgehog run? ›

If you've seen a hedgehog, it might be surprising to learn that they only reach speeds of around 4 miles per hour, which is the equivalent of a very brisk walk for humans and is considerably slower than other animals of the same size. Guinea pigs, for example, can reach speeds of 6 miles per hour.

Can hedgehogs see in the dark? ›

Hedgehogs don't use their eyes to hunt

They hunt primarily using they hearing and smell because their eyesight is not very good, although they can see quite well in the dark.

What can hedgehogs eat? ›

Hedgehogs mainly eat creepy crawlies

The most important invertebrates in their diet are worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes. As well as these, they also eat a wide range of other insects.

Are hedgehogs spikes poisonous? ›

Hedgehog spikes are not barbed or poisonous. The inside of their quills are mostly hollow, each containing air chambers making them light but strong. Hedgehogs got their name from their love of garden hedges and the grunting noises they make!

Do hedgehog quills hurt? ›

The thousands of pointed quills covering a hedgehog's back are a warning sign to most predators that they need to stay away. They can even be intimidating for humans at first. While they do seem a little frightening, the quills won't hurt you once you adjust to the gentle way that you're supposed to handle hedgehogs.

What are 5 interesting facts about hedgehogs? ›

Here are some fun facts about this cuddly ball of quills:

There are currently 17 different species of hedgehog and none are native to America. Hedgehogs have poor eyesight and rely on their taste and smell. 'Self-anointing' is when a hedgehog rubs saliva on their quills in response to pungent smells or tastes.

What do hedgehogs drink? ›

What do hedgehogs drink? Don't forget to put out a shallow dish of water which can be a lifeline for hedgehogs, especially during a hot, dry summer. Contrary to popular belief, hogs are lactose intolerant and milk can make them ill, so please only offer them water.

Are hedgehogs rare? ›

Hedgehogs are widespread but scarce, presenting practical challenges in finding them. So few might be encountered in a night-time survey, for example, that estimates of density (the number in a given area) are often imprecise.

How many hedgehogs are left? ›

Around 60 years ago, 36 million were snuffling around in UK gardens. Now there are thought to be closer to one million left. But there is plenty you can do to make your garden hedgehog-friendly, with help from an adult.

What does a hedgehog eat? ›

The most important invertebrates in their diet are worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes. As well as these, they also eat a wide range of other insects. More infrequently, they will take advantage of carrion, frogs, baby rodents, baby birds, birds' eggs and fallen fruit.

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